anjaneyulu batta
- How to Fix the `No Space Left on Device` Issue on Ubuntu Server
- Deploying Django app with Docker, Docker-Compose and Certbot
- Invoke an AWS Lambda function from another lambda function
- Serverless cronjobs with AWS Lambda and Events Rule
- Creating concurrent indexes without down time in Django + PostgreSQL
- Django application monitoring with datadog
- Learn ruby in 15 minutes
- Implementing Auth0 authentication in DRF APIs
- building the polls API with Hasura GraphQL Engine
- Instant GraphQL API for Postgres with Hasura
- GraphQL api server using golang Gin framework
- Angular template syntax
- TypeScript in 10 minutes
- Understanding basic folder structure of Angular Webapp
- Getting Started with Angular WebApp
- Updating Django from 1.x to 2.x
- Working with Events in ReactJS
- How to seup Google Stackdriver Logging for Django App with Gunicorn
- Understanding ReactJS Component Lifecycle
- Understanding State and Props in ReactJS
- Setting up reactjs development environment from scratch
- Django Unit Testing
- Upgrading django apps from older versions to latest Django version
- DRF with Cognito Authentication
- Rails + GraphQL and React
- Running a Rails server with GraphQL and GraphiQL
- Using Hypothesis to test Django Rest Framework APIs
- Contact Form for static sites using GCP
- CI & CD for a Django Application on Kubernetes using Gitlab CI
- Django Production Deployment on GCP with Kubernetes
manjunath hugar
- Building a structural directive in Angular
- Custom attribute directives in Angular
- Javascript pass by value and pass by reference
- Getting started with FastAPI by re building the Django Polls Tutorial
- Input and Output properties in Angular 9
- Scope Chain in javascript
- Understanding the Execution Context phases in Javascript
- Getting started with python scrapy
- Travis and coveralls for private repo
- Heroku Django S3 for serving Media files
- Migrating django app from MySQL to Postgres
- Google diff match patch library
- Modelling sorting and ordering in Redis
- Writing a Python ORM for redis
- How to use AngularJS $resource
- Adding a custom authentication backend in Django
- Comparing Redis and PostgreSQL
- Understanding Django transactions
- A serverless web application using Python, API Gateway and Lambda function
- Getting started with AWS Lambda using Python
- Using python graphene with Django
- Handling multipart form upload with vanilla Python
- Getting started with Python graphene
- Django REST Framework RetrieveUpdateDestroyAPIView
- Django REST Framework ListCreateAPIView
- Django polls api using ModelSerializer
- Creating related objects in Django REST Framework
- Django polls api using Django REST Framework
- Do npm packages work in browser or only in Node.js
- Using bower to manage frontend dependencies
- Using npm to manage frontend dependencies
- Basics of Node.js
- Tracking creator of Django objects
- When and how to use Django CreateView
- When and how to use Django FormView
- When and how to use Django DetailView
- Using Docker redis image with flask
- Using Docker postgres image with flask
- Docker setup for a Flask polls app
- Getting started with docker
- Getting started with require.js
- Frequent confusions of new Frappe/ERPNext developers
- How web pages get styled in Frappe/ERPNext
- Customising website theme in Frappe
- Adding static webpages to ERPNext or Frappe
- Updating Frappe webpage context
- Frappe website catch all
- Frappe website route rules
- Frappe and ERPNext homepage
- Python itertools groupby
- Dyamic web views using Frappe
- Advanced Database queries in Frappe
- Frappe Database api
- Frappe for Django developers
- When and how to use Django ListView
- When and how to use Django TemplateView
- Configure Django to log exceptions in production
- How performant is your Python web application
- How Python generators are similar to iterators
- Real world usage of __iter__ and next
- Iterators and Iterables
- Getting started with webapp2 and GAE
- Why AngularJS services aren't available in configuration blocks
- What, when and how of AngularJS configuration blocks
- AngularJS injectors internals
- How script ordering works in an Angular app
- Retrying celery failed tasks
- Profiling Django Middlewares
- Understanding Django Middlewares
- Getting started with Celery and Redis
- Tastypie with ForeignKey
- Getting started with redis-py
- Getting started with Django tastypie
- How not knowing encoding can trip you
- Understanding Python unicode, str, UnicodeEncodeError and UnicodeDecodeError
- Character encoding and Unicode
- Django timezones
- Passing parameters to Django admin action
- Method decorators in Python
- Minimal Gunicorn configuration
- Supervisor with Django and Gunicorn
- Django backward relationship lookup
- Producer-consumer problem in Python
- State pattern with UI Code
- Understanding Threads in Python
- Process and Threads for Beginners
- Minimal Nginx and Gunicorn configuration for Django projects
- Basics of WSGI
- Common testing scenarios for Django app.
- Serving static files in Django
- Understanding decorators
- Metaclass in Python
- __new__() in python
- Understanding '*', '*args', '**' and '**kwargs'
- Getting started with South for Django DB migrations
- How to use jsTree
- Setting up your system to start with Django development on Ubuntu:
anmol akhilesh
- Exploring and Visualizing data using Datasette
- Deploying Django in AWS Fargate
- Deploying completely serverless Django with Apex Up and Aurora Serverless
- Deploying Serverless Django with Zeit and RDS Postgres
- Deploying completely serverless Django with Zappa and Aurora Serverless
- Opinionated guide to Django Migrations
- Python and Django development on Windows with WSL
- Understanding Python context managers by reading Django source code
- Understanding python magic methods by reading Django queryset source code.
- Finding a prime number whose binary representation is a giraffe (or a T-Rex)
- Adventures in advanced Django ORM with HyperLogLog
- Django 2.0 Window expressions tutorial
- Three underutilized python commands
- Two Scoops of Django: Review
- Easy client side form validations for Django: Django Parsley
- MoreApps - Android Library Project: Open Sourced
- Password Generator App: Open Sourced
- Todo List App: Open Sourced
- Deploying Django apps on Heroku
- Deploying Django apps on Heroku
- How to use to write better Django code
- How and why to use pyflakes to write better Python
- Writing jQuery plugins using Coffeescript
- Haml for Django developers
- Coffeescript for Python programmers
- Jobs
- Comparison of mobile app frameworks: Iphone, Java, Phonegap and Titanium
- Getting started with Titanium development for Android and Iphone
- Getting started with PhoneGap using Xcode for Mobile app development
- Starting Android app developement: From zero to app
- Book Review: Pragmatic Guide to JavaScript
- Book review: The Principles of Successful Freelancing
- Book review: The Principles of Project Management
- Book Review: Outsourcing Web Projects.
- The Unfuddle Tutorial
- Experiments in URL design.
- I am so starving: Web app in python frameworks.
- Importing wordpress
- Getting trending Github projects via YQL
- Essential web-apps to run a software business.
- Django is not flexible
- Moving home
- Rails and Django commands : comparison and conversion
- The Rails and Django models layer Rosseta stone
- Doing things with Django models - aka - Django models tutorial
- Wordpress and Django: best buddies
- Doing things with Django forms
- django-forum
- Django-buzz
- Python metaclasses and how Django uses them
- Django quiz
- The magic of metaclasses in Python
- Writing your own template loaders
- Django gotchas
- Beginning python
- Django-SocialAuth - Login via twitter, facebook, openid, yahoo, google using a single app.
- A response to Dropping Django
- Django aggregation tutorial
- On Captcha
- Django design patterns
- Remote debugging - debugging pesky server only bugs
- Django Request Response processing
- Understanding decorators
- Generating pseudo random text with Markov chains using Python
- Django-subdomains - Easily create subscription based subdomains enabled webapps
- Web development companies working with Django
- Developing a Web Application Live in 15 min, in django framework
- Constraint programming in Python
- Django with Mysql and Apache on EC2
- How to build a Facebook app in Django
- Using Paypal with Django
- Using subdomains with Django
- Dynamic forms with Django
- Generating PDFs with Django
- An Interview with Adrian Holovaty - Creator of Django
- An Interview with Jacob Kaplan-Moss - Creator of Django
- An idea a day - A geographical wiki
- An idea a day - Alternative to GAE
- An idea a day - Remotely hosted Analytics solution
- Popularising Django - Part 2
- An idea a day - Recomendation system based ad network
- An idea a day - An automated Adwords optimizer
- Parable of the single sheep - Or How Google is destroying the internet, and nobody seems to know.
- An interview with Michael Trier
- Popularizing Django -- Or Reusable apps considered harmful.
- Interview with James Bennett - Django release manager
- Why people start startups.
- Marketing lessons from Google
- Five Things I Hate About Django.
- First step to startup - Getting your pitch
- Two Django+Appengine Tutorials
- Using Appengine with Django, why it is pretty much unusable
- Google Appengine - First Impressions
- Building Chrome Extensions
- Advanced functional testing with Selenium in Django
- Introduction to functional testing with Selenium in Django
- Importing your old comments to Disqus site
- Building a RESTful API with Django-rest-framework
- Disqus and Disqus SSO
- Using a Postman http client for efficient HTTP testing
- Deploying a Django app on Amazon EC2 instance.
- Python-requests
- Continuous integration with travis and for Django apps
- Writing thread-safe django - get_or_create
- Accept bitcoins using python
- Self-testing fabfile using docker
- Deploying django using docker
- Not exactly, not exactly tim the enchanter
- Real time applications with Django, XMPP and StropheJS
- Link Roundup for week ending 19/11/2010
- Seven reasons why you should switch to Vim
- Introduction to Python Workshop on February 15th, 2013
- The missing documentation for django.utils.datastructures
- Dropbox file upload handler for django
- Using Ubuntu cloud images in KVM
- Libvirt and KVM
- Developing android applications from command line
- Request to Response
- From HTML Form to Storage
- Writing an e-mail application with Lamson - II
- Writing an e-mail application with Lamson - I
- Link roundup 10
- Link roundup 9
- Link roundup 8
- Django emacs setup
- Link roundup for week ending 24/12/2010
- Link roundup for week ending 26/11/2010
- Link Roundup for week ending 12/11/2010
- Link Roundup for week ending 5/11/2011
- Link Roundup for week ending 22/10/2010
- Link Roundup for week ending 15/10/2010
- Using bpython shell with django (and some Ipython features you should know)
- 2009: The best Ever.
- Pycon India 2009 : A Review
- Better Python package management using source and version control systems
- Yahoo BOSS python api
- Python Wrapper on Bing API
- Exploring Payment Gateway Options and integrating it with django
- Finding keywords using Python
- How we built a Twitter Application
- Create your own online store in few hours using satchmo (django)
- Create a new social networking site in few hours using pinax platform (django).
- Uswaretech whitepapers