The best way to get business is by getting more work from an existing customer. New customers cost money to acquire. They need to be nurtured before they will get trust with you to let you work on the most important(and mot lucrative) area of their businesses.
A old customer costs nothing to acquire, they trust you with most intimate and important part of their business, and can be the most lucrative new opportunities.
- If a client hasn’t worked with you in last 12 months, have you asked them why? Maybe they just forgot about you, or are unhappy with their current vendor.
- For the clients you are working with, are they aware of all the services you sell? Maybe they need a related service and just aren’t aware that you sell that too?
- Have you made efforts to deeply understand your best customers. Can you tailor your services to better fit them?
- Are you making all efforts to keep your customers happy with each product and project so that they buy from you over and over again?
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