Note: Kindly note that a user is expected to have basic understanding of Rails, GraphQL and ReactJS before trying this project.
You can look into my previous tutorial to get started with Rails and GraphQL. This tutorial will be more focusing on building the frontend.
The entire code for this tutorial can be found here. I recommend starting from the init
branch and go though the tutorial
Setup the backend
Before we get started with generating models, lets enable cors middleware on our project, because we need it to test the code locally.
Just navigate to Gemfile
and uncomment rack-cors
# Use Rack CORS for handling Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS), making cross-origin AJAX possible
gem 'rack-cors'
# The line above would be commented, just uncomment it
Once this is done, run bundle install
in the root directory of this project so that a new file config/initializers/cors.rb
will be generated. Update it with the following code below.
# cors.rb
Rails.application.config.middleware.insert_before 0, Rack::Cors do
allow do
origins '*'
resource '*',
headers: :any,
methods: [:get, :post, :put, :patch, :delete, :options, :head]
Lets generate the models now that we’re done with setting up the middleware which will help our frontend server to connect to backend server without blocking any insecure requests.
# Generating models
# Generating User model with fields
# `name` : datatype -> string
# `email` : datatype -> string
rails generate model User name:string email:string
# Generating Poll model with fields
# `created_by` : datatype -> User
# `question` : datatype -> string
rails generate model Poll user:belongs_to question:string
# Generating Choice model with fields
# `choice_text` : datatype -> string
# `poll` : datatype -> Poll (FK)
rails generate model Choice poll:belongs_to choice_text:string
# Generating Vote model with fields
# `choice` : datatype -> Choice (FK)
# `poll` : datatype -> Poll (FK)
# `user` : datatype -> User (FK)
rails generate model Vote choice:belongs_to poll:belongs_to user:belongs_to
# Make sure to add the `has_many` relationship where
# each foreign key has been mentioned.
# Refer `user.rb`, `poll.rb` and `choice.rb` in `app/models/` directory for the same
# Unique Key Migration
rails generate migration VotesUniqueConstraint
The last line above generates a migration where we’re going to specify unique together relationship for fields user_id
and poll_id
in Vote
model. This is to make sure that a user can vote for a choice present in a poll i.e., without this, a user can vote to POLL_1 with a choice CH_1 even though CH_1 is not a choice in that poll.
# TIMESTAMP_votes_unique_constraint.rb
class VotesUniqueConstraint < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.0]
def change
add_index :votes, [:user_id, :poll_id], unique: true
Subsequently updating the votes model (votes.rb
) as well
class Vote < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :choice
belongs_to :poll
belongs_to :user
# Unique together constraint
validates :user_id, uniqueness: {scope: :poll}
Lets run a seed on the db to generate some data. For this tutorial, we’ll be using Faker
# seeds.rb
# We're using Faker to generate random emails, for testing
50.times do
User.create(name:, email:
5.times do
poll = Poll.create(question: Faker::Lorem.question, user: User.find(rand 1..50))
4.times do
poll.choices.create(choice_text: Faker::Lorem.sentence(word_count: 3))
100.times do
poll = Poll.find(rand 1..5)
Vote.create(user: User.find(rand 1..50), poll: poll, choice: poll.choices.sample)
Run the command to migrate and seed the db
rails db:migrate db:seed
Installing GraphQL
Now that our initial models and code is ready on rails, we need to setup GraphQL on rails
# Setting up GraphQL code in our project
# Note: Only works if GraphQL gem is pre-installed
# Make sure `gem 'graphql'` is in the `Gemfile`
# Then, run `bundle install`
rails generate graphql:install
Note that this command is very handy and auto-generates a lot of code for us. After running this command, we can see a new folder graphql
has been created in the app
directory. Also, config/routes.rb
has also been automatically updated with the default graphql endpoint, which we’ll be using to mutate and list the data in our database.
Configuring rails models as GraphQL Objects
# We need to run the command for each model. So,
rails generate graphql:object user
rails generate graphql:object poll
rails generate graphql:object choice
rails generate graphql:object vote
Building Query to respond with right data
If it were just a Rails application, we’d have added code to the controller.rb
file. But remember that since this is a GraphQL project, we will have a single endpoint serving all over data. So lets start modifying the _type.rb
files which were generated earlier.
# user_type.rb
module Types
class UserType < Types::BaseObject
field :id, ID, null: false
field :name, String, null: true
field :email, String, null: true
field :posts, [Types::PollType], null: true
field :posts_count, Integer, null: true
# Typical rails querying
def posts_count
Similarly we’ll be defining polls_type.rb
, choice_type.rb
and vote_type.rb
based on the models generated earlier.
If there are any mutations, you’ll be able to find them in app/graphql/types/mutation_type.rb
. We have not defined any mutations for this tutorial. They have been explained in the previous tutorial here.
The final backend code can be seen if we can checkout to that commit
git checkout 6dfa3cd819ae6e37eeff3fad858e744e31f1bf5b
Setting up frontend
Create a basic react application with some standard boilerplate. I like yarn
, so I’ve used it thorughout the next steps. You can use npm
as well
# Creating a basic frontend project with some sample boilerplate
# Ref:
npx create-react-app frontend
# I like to put most of the code in components folder, having
# react-based files ending with `.jsx` extension and format the
# code using standard. Again, its just a matter of preference.
yarn add -D standard babel-eslint
# Lets make a components directory in frontend/src and create a file
# Polls.jsx. Also we'll be moving App.js -> src/components/App.jsx &
# its appropriate code restructuring is to be done
# I've made some basic css changes, to view them, run
git checkout ead45a7a75dc4c64c5bd7aeab439ab25b36a71a9
# and see `src/App.css` and use it accordingly.
Installing dependencies
In frontend, we’ll be using the following modules
- graphql
- apollo-boost
- react-polls (For showing polls and pseudo voting :P)
- react-apollo
Just install the packages using the command below
yarn add graphql apollo-boost react-polls react-apollo --save
Lets go to our main file where code execution starts (index.js). Few changes to make,
- We need a link to connect our graphql server to frontend
- Do fetch calls/install axios to do complicated fetch calls
- Add some
maybe? To complicate things - Add a state store, like
to complicate things even more :P ;)
Anyways, sorry for scaring you here, but we don’t need all that. We’ll just use apollo-client for this and it’ll handle everything for us. That’s a breather right!!
All we need to do is to link to our graphql server (running at http://localhost:5000) to ApolloProvider(as a prop) and make the App
component a child for it. That’s all! More on this can be found here
// Default imports
// Same as before
import { ApolloProvider } from 'react-apollo'
import { ApolloClient } from 'apollo-client'
import { createHttpLink } from 'apollo-link-http'
import { InMemoryCache } from 'apollo-cache-inmemory'
// Custom Imports
// Same as before
const link = createHttpLink({ uri: 'http://localhost:5000/graphql' })
const client = new ApolloClient({ link: link, cache: new InMemoryCache() })
// Making `App` as a child for ApolloProvider
// and passing client props to it
<ApolloProvider client={client}>
<App />
// Some other code
Now that we have Apollo connected, lets write the polls get query and populate using react-polls
which we installed earlier.
polls {
choices {
We’ll be using this query to fetch the results from our backend server. Now lets update src/components/App.jsx
// Default imports
import React from 'react'
import { useQuery } from 'react-apollo'
import { gql } from 'apollo-boost'
// Custom imports
import '../App.css'
import Polls from './Polls'
import reactLogo from '../assets/react-logo.svg'
// GraphQL query to get polls, choices and the number of votes
const GET_POLLS = gql`
polls {
choices {
const App = () => {
// Note: Anything starting with useXXX is always a hook
// Calling the useQuery hook of react-apollo, and observe that
// we have configured the graphql settings once in index,js.
// We don't need to configure it again in the entire app
const { loading, error, data } = useQuery(GET_POLLS)
if (loading) return 'Loading...'
if (error) return `Error : ${error.message}`
return (
<div className='app'>
<header className='header'>
<img src={reactLogo} className='logo' alt='React Logo' />
<h1 className='name'>Polls API</h1>
<main className='main'>
Here we are mapping the data as react-polls has different
variable naming when compared to our Polls API
To avoid this, we can use graphql aliases, which changes
our query to the following below.
This is done intentionally to explain this concept of aliasing
as many developers think that they have to change the backend
to fit accordingly, which actually we can just use alias.
polls {
question: question
answers: choices {
option: choiceText
vootes: voteCount
<Polls polls={
poll => {
return {
question: poll.question,
answers: => {
return {
option: choice.choiceText,
votes: choice.voteCount,
export default App
Now moving on to src/components/Polls.jsx
. The code has been explained in detail in the snippet below
import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react'
import Poll from 'react-polls'
const Polls = ({ polls }) => {
const [pollData, updatePollData] = useState([])
// Some custom style for the polling box
// More on this can be found here =>
const pollStyles = {
questionSeparator: true,
questionSeparatorWidth: 'question',
questionBold: true,
questionColor: '#303030',
align: 'center',
theme: 'cyan'
// Replacing ComponentDidMount, ComponentDidUpdate and ComponentDidUnmount
// And runs only when the polls are updated (the array in the end with `polls`)
// More on useEffect hook =>
useEffect(() => {
}, [polls])
// Simple onClick method used to handle Voting
// This is a pseudo method, i.e. it just updates the
// state of pollData and not the actual data on server
const handleVote = (voteAnswer, pollNumber) => {
const newPollData = [...pollData]
// Increment no. of votes on the choice clicked => ( === pollNumber ? => (answer.option === voteAnswer ? answer.votes++ : null)) : null
// Here we can implement a mutation to update the vote
// made by particular user
// state hook to update pollData
// Renders Poll which is from the package `react-polls`
return (
poll => (
<div key={}>
onVote={voteAnswer => handleVote(voteAnswer,}
customStyles={pollStyles} noStorage
export default Polls
This concludes the tutorial where we have created a basic GraphQL Application (full-stack), with
Backend -> Rails, Frontend -> React + Apollo
Please feel free to create any issues on my github
Thank you for reading the Agiliq blog. This article was written by yvsssantosh on May 28, 2020 in ruby , rails , postgresql , graphql , graphiql , reactjs , polls , pollsapi .
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