This tutorial gives a brief to understand how to build a Rails backend server with GraphQL integration. Since there’s no frontend involved, we’ll be using GraphiQL to make the requests to our server.
Why Ruby?
Ruby is a very high level language, which means Ruby abstracts away (i.e. handles for you) most of the complex details of the machine. Thus, you can quickly build something from scratch with less lines of code. Ruby was made popular by the Ruby on Rails framework, a full-stack web framework that makes prototyping a breeze, making it a web framework of choice for many startups and coding beginners alike.
Reasons why one should learn ruby:
- Beginner Friendliness
- Has a wide community for support
- One more backend development tool to the resume! and many more!!
The aim of this project is to build a basic Posts API where we have a user adding particular posts, using Rails and GraphQL.
# Installing ruby
# To keep control of which version of Ruby we're using, I'd recommend using rvm
# RVM setup has been documented here -->
rvm install 2.6.5
# Installing rails globally
# Just like we do in node, we need to install rails globally once
gem install rails
Now that we have rails installed and setup, lets setup our project
Getting Started with Rails
# Generate code for a sample project
rails new posts_graphql -d postgresql --api --skip-tests --skip-action-mailbox --skip-action-text --skip-spring -T --skip-turbolinks --skip-active-storage
# Explaining the parameters passed
# -d ---> Specify the database being used, in our case postgresql.
# Options include sqlite3, mysql, etc
# --api ---> For API only apps, we don't need to load frontend modules.
# --sktip-NAME ---> This option is used to skip a particular module
# which come by default when generating a rails application
# Here we are skipping the modules --> tests, action-inbox, action-text, turbolinks and active-storage,
# as we won't be using them in the project
Navigate to config/database.yml
and fill the appropriate values pertaining to username, password etc. as they’re used to connect to the database
# Example
<<: *default
database: rails_posts_db
# The specified database role being used to connect to postgres.
# To create additional roles in postgres see `$ createuser --help`.
# When left blank, postgres will use the default role. This is
# the same name as the operating system user that initialized the database.
username: rails_posts_user
# The password associated with the postgres role (username).
password: rails_posts_password
# Connect on a TCP socket. Omitted by default since the client uses a
# domain socket that doesn't need configuration. Windows does not have
# domain sockets, so uncomment these lines.
host: localhost
# The TCP port the server listens on. Defaults to 5432.
# If your server runs on a different port number, change accordingly.
port: 5432
Now that we’re connected to the database and generated a sample project lets generate models for the same. The key thing is, even though we’ll be using GraphQL, we’ll still use the models generated by rails.
# Generating models
# Generating User model with fields
# `name` : datatype -> string
# `email` : datatype -> string
rails generate model User name:string email:string
# Generating Post model with fields
# `user` : datatype -> User
# `title` : datatype -> string
# `body` : datatype -> text
rails generate model Post user:belongs_to title:string body:text
Now that we have the models setup, lets run the migrations. To run migrations, run the command rails db:migrate
Now lets naviagate to app/models
. Inside this folder, we should be seeing four newly created files, user.rb
and post.rb
For a Posting System, we know that,
# Post -> belongs to -> User
# We need to define the relationships
# User -> can have many -> Posts
So lets go to user.rb
to update the code accordingly (as the second part i.e. User -> can have many -> posts
was not auto generated)
# user.rb
class User < ApplicationRecord
has_many :posts
Now that we’re all set, lets install GraphQL and GraphiQL. We can do this simply by adding their respective gems to the Gemfile
. We’re also going to install Faker
gem to pre-populate/seed the database with sample values
gem 'graphql'
group :development do
# Any existing code
gem 'graphiql-rails'
gem 'faker'
Once the Gemfile
is modified, just run the command bundle install
in the root directory of the project to install any missing gems. Now that we’re done with installation, lets seed some data. Update the seeds.rb
as below
# seeds.rb
# We're using Faker to generate random emails, for testing purposes
5.times do
user = User.create(name:, email:
5.times do
user.posts.create(title: Faker::Lorem.sentence(word_count: 2), body: Faker::Lorem.paragraph(sentence_count: 3))
Lets then run the command rails db:seed
. If nothing is shown as output, it means the command has executed successfully. Now that we have the data, lets start using graphql
Generating GraphQL Code
Remember we had installed the gems for GraphQL and GraphiQL. Lets setup the GraphQL installation now.
# Setting up GraphQL code in our project
# Note: Only works if GraphQL gem is pre-installed
# (we did it earlier when running `bundle install`)
rails generate graphql:install
Note that this command is very handy and auto-generates a lot of code for us. After running this command, we can see a new folder graphql
has been created in the app
directory. Also, config/routes.rb
has also been automatically updated with the default graphql endpoint, which we’ll be using to mutate and list the data in our database.
With that installed, we have to configure our Rails models as GraphQL Objects. This can be done as another generation.
rails generate
# ...
# Graphql:
# graphql:enum
# graphql:install
# graphql:interface
# graphql:loader
# graphql:mutation
# graphql:object <========= This is what we need to run
# graphql:scalar
# graphql:union
# TestUnit:
# test_unit:channel
# test_unit:controller
# test_unit:generator
# test_unit:helper
# ...
# We need to run the command mentioned above for each model. So,
rails generate graphql:object user
rails generate graphql:object post
With that install we should be set to building queries but we need a way to visualize it and probably do a little more easily. That’s where the second gem graphiql-rails
comes in which we added in the beginning. Its just a GUI interface which will help us run GraphQL queries
Now lets update the routes file with the GraphiQL GUI
# routes.rb
Rails.application.routes.draw do
if Rails.env.development?
mount GraphiQL::Rails::Engine, at: 'graphiql', graphql_path: "graphql#execute"
post "/graphql", to: "graphql#execute"
Tweaking GraphiQL Installation
: Sometimes the sprockets
engine isn’t enabled, and because of that, even after starting the rails server and navigating to the graphql page shows Loading...
. To solve this issue, run the steps below:
- Enable
# config/application.rb # ... Some code ... require "action_cable/engine" require "sprockets/railtie" # This was commented, so uncomment it # ... Some code ...
- Create a new file
inside the folderapp/assets/config
with contents//= link graphiql/rails/application.css //= link graphiql/rails/application.js
- Start the Rails server
rails s --port 5000
Once this is done, we should be able to open the graphiql page
Building GraphQL Query
If it were just a Rails application, we’d have added code to the controller.rb
file. But remember that since this is a GraphQL project, we will have a single endpoint serving all over data. So lets start modifying the _type.rb
files which were generated earlier.
These files will act like the models/schema for the GraphQL Application
# user_type.rb
module Types
class UserType < Types::BaseObject
field :id, ID, null: false
field :name, String, null: true
field :email, String, null: true
field :posts, [Types::PostType], null: true
field :posts_count, Integer, null: true
# Typical rails method returning the count
# of total posts for each user
def posts_count
# posts_type.rb
module Types
class PostType < Types::BaseObject
field :id, Integer, null: false
field :title, String, null: false
field :body, String, null: false
Lets add queries as well. For this, update the file query_type.rb
# Define all the queries in the project
module Types
class QueryType < Types::BaseObject
# 1 - Adding users
field :users, [Types::UserType], null: false
# 1.1 Users Query
def users
# 2 - Adding one user
field :user, Types::UserType, null: false do
# Passing arguemts used to identify user
argument :id, ID, required: true
# 2.1 - User Query
def user(id:)
Now lets goto our graphiql page and type the query below
users {
You can also try adding posts
with title
and/or body
parameters to the query and test it out
user(id:2) {
posts {
Now that we’re done with querying, lets start creating/modifying the data
Building GraphQL Mutations
Mutations is essentially creating or modifying the data in GraphQL. Lets go over to the graphql/mutations
. Make sure you have a file called base_mutations.rb
. In case if its not auto generated, just use the code below (found it in Ruby GraphQL Docs)
# base_mutation.rb
module Mutations
class BaseMutation < GraphQL::Schema::RelayClassicMutation
argument_class Types::BaseArgument
field_class Types::BaseField
input_object_class Types::BaseInputObject
object_class Types::BaseObject
Now, for our users model, we want to have our own custom mutation. Lets create a new file create_user.rb
which handles this action.
# create_user.rb
class Mutations::CreateUser < Mutations::BaseMutation
# accepting arguments
argument :name, String, required: true
argument :email, String, required: true
# Fields to return after object creation
field :user, Types::UserType, null: false
field :errors, [String], null: false
# # The magic resolve method
# Its not any magic but when we have arguments specified,
# we need to override this method with the arguments as params,
# after which we run operations like saving,etc
def resolve(name:, email:)
user = name, email: email)
user: user,
errors: []
user: nil,
errors: users.errors.full_messages
Now that we have created our custom mutation, we need to link it to GraphQL. To do that, go to graphql/types/mutation_type.rb
and add the field create_user
with custom mutation CreateUser
# mutation_type.rb
module Types
class MutationType < Types::BaseObject
# Field and mutation type
field :create_user, mutation: Mutations::CreateUser
Now lets run the create user query
mutation {
createUser(input: {name: "Yadavalli Santosh", email: "[email protected]"}) {
user {
posts {
Similar to the mutation above, please refer to update_user.rb
and delete_user.rb
which are mutations for updating & deleting users respectively.
The query to update users:
mutation {
updateUser(input: {id: 6, name: "Iron Man"}) {
user {
The query to delete users:
mutation {
deleteUser(input: {id: 7}) {
user {
The entire source code can be found here
Thank you for reading the Agiliq blog. This article was written by yvsssantosh on Apr 27, 2020 in ruby , rails , postgresql , graphql , graphiql .
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