Comparing Redis and PostgreSQL

How Redis can make your websites insanely fast


Redis is an in-memory caching tool which can supplement your database.

I always wondered how fast can my website become if I add a caching layer. That’s the motivation behind this blog post. I saw an improvement of 10x when I started fetching things from Redis instead of the database.


We will use a Python/Django project to test things out but the solution can be easily adapted for any other language/framework.

Let’s assume we have the following model.

# customers/

class Customer(BaseModel):
    customer_id = models.CharField(max_length=10)
    address = models.TextField()

Assume we have an api which returns the details for a customer. The api is built using Django REST Framework and look like:

# customers/

class CustomersAPIView(APIView):

    def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):

    def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        if 'pk' in kwargs:
            # TODO: Use get_object_or_404()
            customer = Customer.objects.get(pk=kwargs['pk'])
            data = CustomerSerializer(customer).data
            return Response(data)
        # TODO: Implement returning list of customers
        return Response([])

Let’s move the logic to get customer to a service called get_customer_db.

# customers/

def get_customer_db(pk):
    customer = Customer.objects.get(pk=pk)
    return CustomerSerializer(customer).data

Modify the view to use get_customer_db.

from .services import get_customer_db

def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
    if 'pk' in kwargs:
        data = get_customer_db(kwargs['pk'])
        return Response(data)
    # TODO: Implement returning list of customers
    return Response([])

We expect that this api would be called very frequently from our UI/client. It would be sub-optimal to fetch the same customer details every single time from the database.

This is an ideal scenario to add caching. Let’s add a service called get_customer_redis.

import redis

from .serializers import CustomerSerializer
from .models import Customer

r = redis.Redis(host='localhost', port=6379, db=0, charset='utf-8', decode_responses=True)

def get_customer_redis(pk):
    key = 'customer-%d' % (pk,)
    customer_representation = r.hgetall(key)
    if not customer_representation:
        customer_representation = set_customer_redis(pk)
    return customer_representation

def set_customer_redis(pk):
    key = 'customer-%d' % (pk,)
    customer_representation = get_customer_db(pk)
    r.hmset(key, customer_representation)
    return customer_representation

In get_customer_redis, we search for key customer-<pk>. If this key isn’t found in redis, we get the customer’s details from the db and set it the redis cache. This ensures that any subsequent calls to get_customer_redis gets us the data from redis instead of hitting the db.

Redis vs Postgres

Let’s compare get_customer_db and get_customer_redis now. We will run 1000 executions for both of these functions to get details for customer with pk 3.

Let’s write a helper function which lets us execute these functions n number of times.

In [1]: import time

In [2]: def fun(f, iteration, pk):
    ...:     st = time.time()
    ...:     for each in range(iteration):
    ...:         f(pk)
    ...:     print(time.time() - st)

In [3]: from import get_customer_redis, get_customer_db

In [4]: fun(get_customer_db, 1000, 3)

We fetched details from the db 1000 times. It took 1.302 seconds.

Let’s fetch details from the cache 1000 times.

In [20]: fun(get_customer_redis, 1000, 3)

It took 0.12 seconds to fetch details 1000 times from the cache.


Redis gave us an improvement of 10 times. This value might differ in your case depending on how big your dataset is but Redis will definitely perform better than postgres.

Thank you for reading the Agiliq blog. This article was written by Akshar on Nov 17, 2019 in Redisdjango .

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