Angular template syntax

A quick introduction to angular template syntax and component's data & event binding

Angular provides a simplified approach to work with templates. It got a super cool syntax to speed-up the development.

In our previous article we have seen the folder structure of angular app. Angular starts it’s execution from src/main.ts file where it bootstraps the application’s root module (AppModule) to run in the browser. In this article we work with angular component and it’s template syntax.

Example Angular Component

import { Component } from '@angular/core';
  selector: 'app-root',
  templateUrl: './app.component.html',
export class AppComponent {
  title = 'my-app';

Angular Inline String Template

  • It’s string representation of the HTML instead a HTML file.
  • If you check the above example component it’s using a template path with for component property templateUrl. we can use a string HTML syntax like below.
    import { Component } from '@angular/core';
      selector: 'app-root',
      template: '<h1>Welcome to Angular App</h1>',
      styleUrls: ['./app.component.css']
    export class AppComponent {}
  • In the above code we have used sting template <h1>Welcome to Angular App</h1> with attribute template.
  • It’s always recommended to use the file template instead of a string template for better code readability and maintainability.

Angular File based Template

  • In above Example Angular Component we have used a HTML template templateUrl: './app.component.html'.
  • Coponent AppComponent user the template app.component.html to render the component in the app.

Passing Data from Component to Template

  • It’s pretty simple in angular. All properties of component are available on the template.
  • Let’s see a simple example to pass a username to the template from component.
  • template: app.component.html
<h1> Hello {{username}}! </h1>
  • component: app.component.ts
  import { Component } from '@angular/core';
    selector: 'app-root',
    templateUrl: './app.component.html',
  export class AppComponent {
    username = 'John Doe';
  • If you update component, template code as above you can see text Hello John Doe! in the app.

Interpolation (i.e {{ }})

  • Interpolation is a double braced syntax to render data in the template.
  • It can also evalute the basic javascript/typescript expressions like +, >, etc.
  • Let’s see some code to see how to use interpolation
<h1> Welcome {{username}}! </h1>
<p>The sum of 1 + 1 is {{1 + 1}}.</p>
<p>1 > 1 is {{1 > 1}}.</p>
<p>1 == 1 is {{1 == 1}}.</p>
<p>1 > 5 is {{1 > 5}}.</p>
<p>"hello" && "world" is "{{ "hello" && "world" }}"</p>
  Hello {{ 1 + 1 === 3 ? 'me' : 'you' }}
<p>{{ user?.preferences?.avatar }}</p>
<p>{{ user?.name | uppercase }}</p>
  • The safe navigation operator, ?., prevents the JavaScript engine from complaining if you try to access values on objects that are null or undefined.
  • The pipe operator, |, allows to pass-in the interpolated value to a pipe
  • Note: we can only do basic operations using interpolation syntax. We are not allowed to do complex operations like bitwise OR i.e {{ 20 | 5 }}

Property binding

  • It’s the way to sync the property values of template HTML elements in sync with components attributes/properties.
  • Let’s take an example for property binding
  • app.component.html
    <label> is superuser ? <input type="checkbox" [checked]="status"/></label>
  • app.component.ts
import { Component } from '@angular/core';
  selector: 'app-root',
  templateUrl: './app.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./app.component.css']
export class AppComponent {
  status = ''
    setTimeout(()=>{this.status = 'checked'}, 500)
    setTimeout(()=>{this.status = ''}, 2500)
  • In above example we have a property binding on checkbox that can be checked/un-checked dynamically based on the value of components property status.
  • If test the above code you can find that the checkbox initially un checked and after 500 milli seconds it will be checked and again after 2 seconds it will again unchecked because we are updating the component property dynamically using setTimeout function.

Event binding with “()”

  • We wrap-up the event type in in “()” and assign a text formatted component method.
  • Let’s see a simple example
  • template
<label> Username:
  <input (keyup)="onChangeUserName($event)" [value]="username" />
<h1>Entered Text: {{username}}</h1>
  • component
import { Component } from '@angular/core';
  selector: 'app-root',
  templateUrl: './app.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./app.component.css']
export class AppComponent {
  username = 'John Doe';
  onChangeUserName($event: any){
    console.log("onChangeUserName", $event)
    this.username = $;
  • In above code we have binded the event keyup to method onChangeUserName. We can also bind other event types like change, mouseover, mouseenter, click, etc.


  • Angular has template directives which simplifies the common repititive functionality.
  • Angular has two types of directives
    1. Attribute Directives - ngClass, ngStyle
    2. Structural Directives - *ngIf, *ngFor

Attribute Directives - [ngClass], [ngStyle]

  • ngClass directive allows us to set CSS class dynamically to the DOM element.
    • Accepted data types string, Array, Object.
    • If Object is passed then keys treated as class names and values are treated as truth values. If value is true then only the class is used.
    • Let’s see some example code
    <button [ngClass]="'btn btn-success'"> Hello</button>
    <button [ngClass]="['btn', 'btn-warning']"> Hello1</button>
    <button [ngClass]="{'btn': true, 'btn-success': false, 'btn-danger': true}"> Hello2</button>
    • Inspect the DOM to check how ngClass works
  • ngStyle directive allows us to set css styles dynamically to the DOM element.
    • It takes an object that represents CSS style properties.
    • Let’s checkout some examples
      <p [ngStyle]="{'opacity': is_mail_sent ? '0.5' : '1' }">Email Sent</p>

Structural Directives - *ngIf, *ngFor

  • *ngIf: It’s used if we need an element to b displayed based on a condition
    • Example:
      <div *ngIf="has_permission">
      <!-- if else using *ngIf -->
      <li *ngIf="bindEmail;then logout else login"></li>
      <ng-template #logout><li><a routerLink="/logout">Logout</a></li></ng-template>
      <ng-template #login><li><a routerLink="/login">Login</a></li></ng-template>
    • <ng-template> is an Angular element for rendering HTML.
  • *ngFor: It’s a template directive similar to for loop.
    • Example:
    • component
      import { Component } from '@angular/core';
        selector: 'app-root',
        templateUrl: './app.component.html',
        styleUrls: ['./app.component.css']
      export class AppComponent {
        users = [
          {'name': 'John'},
          {'name': 'Ram'},
          {'name': 'Sara'},
          {'name': 'Kit'},
          {'name': 'Richard'},
          {'name': 'David'},
    • template
      <li *ngFor="let user of users">{{}}</li>
    • Copy the above code and try it out with your app.

That’s it folks. Try out all above examples on your own. For more reference checkout official documentation:

Thank you for reading the Agiliq blog. This article was written by Anjaneyulu Batta on Jul 9, 2019 in angulartemplatescomponents .

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