Frappe website route rules

Adding website routes in frappe


This post explains how we can add routes which resolve to a webpage.

Frappe installation provides several routes by default. Some of them are /about /contact, /newsletters etc.

You might want your about page to be served from /about-us and not only from /about. Similarly you might want your contact page to be served fromm /contact-us and not only from /contact.


This post assumes that you have bench initialized and you are able to add a site to your frappe installation.

Let’s add a site

$ bench new-site

Default behaviour

If you access, you would see a 404 page.

Adding rules

There is a hookpoint called website_route_rules in which allows adding route rules.

Create an app so that we have a where we can add route.

$ bench new-app meeting # You could use any app name
$ bench --site install-app meeting

Add a module level attribute website_route_rules in meeting/meeting/

website_route_rules = [
  {'from_route': '/about-us', 'to_route': 'about'},
  {'from_route': '/contact-us', 'to_route': 'contact'},

This would ensure that the About page which is otherwise only accessible from /about is not also accessible from /about-us. Similarly Contact page is served from both /contact and /contact-us.

Thank you for reading the Agiliq blog. This article was written by Akshar on Aug 8, 2018 in pythonfrappeerpnext .

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