Django querysets are amazing. We use them everyday, but rarely think about the wonderful API they give us. Just some of the amazing properties which queysets have
- You can get a slice
out of them, only the needed objects are pulled from DB. - You can lookup a specifc object
, only the required object is pulled from DB. - You can iterate over them,
for user in users_queryset
, as if they were a list. - You can
them and they apply the criteria at the SQL level. - You can use them like a boolean,
if users_queryset: users_queryset.update(first_name="Batman")
- You can pickle and unpickle them, even when the individual istances may not be.
- You can get a useful representation of the queryset in python cli, or ipython. Even if the queryset consists of 1000s of records, only first 20 records will be printed and shown.
Querysets get all of these properties by implemnting the Python magic methods, aka the dunder methods. So why do you need these magic, dunder methods? Because they make the api much cleaned to use.
It is more intutive to say, if users_queryset: users_queryset.do_something()
than if users_queryset.as_boolean: users_queryset.do_something()
. It is more intutive to say queryset_1 & queryset_2
rather than queryse_1.do_and(queryset_2)
Magic methods are metods implemented by classes which have a special meaning to the Python interpretor. They always start with a __
and are sometimes called dunder method. (Dunder == double underscore).
Query and related classes implement the following methods to get the properies we listed above.
: Forqueryset[i:j]
forfor user in users_queryset
forqueryset_1 & queryset_2
andqueryset_1 | queryset_2
to use them like a boolean__getstate__
to pickle and unpickle them__repr__
to get a useful representation and to limit the DB hit
We will look at how Django 2.0 does it.
Implementing __getitem__
The code looks like this:
def __getitem__(self, k):
"""Retrieve an item or slice from the set of results."""
if not isinstance(k, (int, slice)):
raise TypeError
assert ((not isinstance(k, slice) and (k >= 0)) or
(isinstance(k, slice) and (k.start is None or k.start >= 0) and
(k.stop is None or k.stop >= 0))), \
"Negative indexing is not supported."
if self._result_cache is not None:
return self._result_cache[k]
if isinstance(k, slice):
qs = self._chain()
if k.start is not None:
start = int(k.start)
start = None
if k.stop is not None:
stop = int(k.stop)
stop = None
qs.query.set_limits(start, stop)
return list(qs)[::k.step] if k.step else qs
There is a lot going on here, but each if
block is straightforward.
- In the first of block, we ensure slice has reaonable value.
- In second block, if
is filled, aka the queryset has been evaluated, we return the slice from the cache and skip hitting the db again. - If the
is not filled, weqs.query.set_limits(start, stop)
which sets the limit and offset in sql.
Implementing __iter__
def __iter__(self):
# ...
return iter(self._result_cache)
Pretty strightforward, we populate the data then use builtin iter
to return an iterator.
It is also instructive to look at FlatValuesListIterable.__iter__
which uses yield
to implment __iter__
class FlatValuesListIterable(BaseIterable):
Iterable returned by QuerySet.values_list(flat=True) that yields single
def __iter__(self):
queryset = self.queryset
compiler = queryset.query.get_compiler(queryset.db)
for row in compiler.results_iter(chunked_fetch=self.chunked_fetch, chunk_size=self.chunk_size):
yield row[0]
Implementing __and__
and __or__
The code looks like this:
def __and__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, EmptyQuerySet):
return other
if isinstance(self, EmptyQuerySet):
return self
combined = self._chain()
combined.query.combine(other.query, sql.AND)
return combined
We d some sanity checks on the querysets, return early if one of the querysets is empty then apply SQL or using combined.query.combine(other.query, sql.AND)
. The __or__
is essentially same except the SQL is changed using combined.query.combine(other.query, sql.OR)
Implementing __bool__
The code looks like this:
def __bool__(self):
return bool(self._result_cache)
Pretty straightforward, _fetch_all()
ensures that the queryset is evaluated,
and _result_cache
is filled. We then return the boolean equivalent of _result_cache
, which means if there are any records, you will get a True
Implementing __getstate__
and __setstate__
and __setstate__
look like this:
def __getstate__(self):
# Force the cache to be fully populated.
return {**self.__dict__, DJANGO_VERSION_PICKLE_KEY: get_version()}
def __setstate__(self, state):
msg = None
pickled_version = state.get(DJANGO_VERSION_PICKLE_KEY)
if pickled_version:
current_version = get_version()
if current_version != pickled_version:
msg = (
"Pickled queryset instance's Django version %s does not "
"match the current version %s." % (pickled_version, current_version)
msg = "Pickled queryset instance's Django version is not specified."
if msg:
warnings.warn(msg, RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=2)
While pickling, we ensure data is populated, then use self.__dict__
to get queryset representation, and return it along with Django version. While unpickling,
ensures that a warning is raised when pickled querysets are used across Django versions.
On a related note, {**self.__dict__, DJANGO_VERSION_PICKLE_KEY: get_version()}
, shows why you should move to Python 3. This syntax for merging dictionaries doesn’t work in Python2.
Implementing __repr__
The code for __repr__
, look like this
def __repr__(self):
data = list(self[:REPR_OUTPUT_SIZE + 1])
if len(data) > REPR_OUTPUT_SIZE:
data[-1] = "...(remaining elements truncated)..."
return '<%s %r>' % (self.__class__.__name__, data)
This is straightforward, but has a few nice tricks worth looking at.
does slicing, which because we implemented __getitem__
, does ... limit ... offset ...
ensures that we don’t pull in the wholeyset to display data, but pulls up REPR_OUTPUT_SIZE + 1
records. On next line len(data) > REPR_OUTPUT_SIZE
allows us the check if there were more records without hitting the DB.
Final thoughts
Magic, dunder methods provide a clean straightforward way to provide a clean api to your classes. Unlike their name, they don’t have any hidden magic and should be used where it makes sense.
Thank you for reading the Agiliq blog. This article was written by shabda on Jan 21, 2018 in python , django , tutorial , django-internals .
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