In this post, we will understand how ordering of scripts of an angular application make difference to the app.
In any angular application, there will be a lot of controllers, services, directives etc. Controllers would be dependent on services. Several times I found that in index.html, service.js is put after controller.js and I wondered how is controller able to get access to service if service is included after controller. I had several other questions like:
Do modules file need to be put before controllers?
Do services need to be put before controllers?
If services are put after controllers then why does the application behave properly. Why don’t we get an error?
I will point to relevant angular.js code at various points. For this post, let’s use angular 1.5.
Javascript load and execution order
Javascript files are loaded and executed in the order they are encountered in html page. You can find more information at Stack Overflow.
So if there are two included scripts in index.html:
<script src="first.js"></script>
<script src="second.js"></script>
Then first.js would execute before second.js.
angular.js must be included before any controller or service
In index.html, must appear before any angular specific thing. This needs to be done because any subsequent angular specific script would make use of object angular.
angular.js is the script which will ensure that any subsequent script has access to object angular
or to method angular.module
, or to method angular.module("somemodule").controller()
As soon as angular.js executes, object angular
is added to window
and hence any subsequent script can make use of angular
. angular.js also makes sure that a function called module
is defined on object angular
. And angular.js also makes sure that return value of angular.module
has methods like component
, controller
, service
etc. defined on them. All this happens inside function setupModuleLoader. You can see code of setupModuleLoader on Github
In any subseqent script, we are able define a module using angular.module
. Also we are able to say angular.module("somemodule").component()
. angular.module("somemodule")
returns an object and this object has a method component()
available on it. This object also has other methods like service()
, controller()
, factory()
, directive()
Module should be defined before registering component, controllers etc.
Assuming you are going to create a controller called HomeController
on module home
. So script which defines home module must be included before script which defines the controller.
Assuming module is defined in home.module.js
angular.module("home", [])
and controller is defined in home.controller.js
.controller("HomeController", function () {
So script order must be:
<script src="home.module.js"></script>
<script src="home.controller.js"></script>
Similarly home.module.js must be included before home.service.js. But the load order of home.service.js or home.controller.js doesn’t make any difference. Let’s see the reason for this in next section.
Needed services can be included after the controller which needs them
Assuming there is a service called HomeService defined in home.service.js and assuming HomeController needs the service.
.controller("HomeService", function () {
return {
And assuming it is injected into HomeController, home.controller.js
.controller("HomeController", function (HomeService) {
Doing angular.module(“home”).controller(…) does not run the function definition of controller. It only registers the controller. Registering a controller would become clearer as you read.
We are saying that load order of home.service.js and home.component.js doesn’t make any difference.
It could be:
<script src="home.module.js"></script>
<script src="home.service.js"></script>
<script src="home.controller.js"></script>
Or it could be:
<script src="home.module.js"></script>
<script src="home.controller.js"></script>
<script src="home.service.js"></script>
If you are an absolute beginner, you should skip this section.
Earlier we talked about setupModuleLoader which makes sure that object angular
is available in subsequent scripts.
Inside setupModuleLoader, this line ensures that object angular has a function called module
using which modules can be registered.
Internally a module
is an object which has properties like invokeQueue
, configBlocks
etc. This object is created on this line. You will find that this object also has methods like service
, controller
When angular.module(“mymodule”).controller() executes, the function defining the controller gets stored in property invokeQueue. This happens in function invokeLaterAndSetModuleName. This is what I meant when I said controller gets registered. The controller function doesn’t execute immediately but is instead registered on invokeQueue. Since the controller function is only registered and isn’t invoked, so there is no need for HomeService at this point.
Similarly when angular.module(“mymodule”).service() is executed, service is only registerd on invokeQueue . But service function isn’t executed at this point.
As scripts are executed sequentially the services/controllers of those scripts are registered on invokeQueue. On document.ready, i.e after all scripts have loaded and executed, angular processes invokeQueue. During this the services become injectable. Angular ensures sure that controller function is only executed after processing invokeQueue of all modules. As the services are injectable at this point, if our code tries to inject a particular service into a controller, it is possible.
Modules can be included in any order irrespective of which module needs which other module.
Assuming there is another module called “players” which has a controller which needs home services, i.e which is dependent on home.service.js.
Assuming players is defined in players.module.js
angular.module("players", ["home"])
We specified “home” as required by “players” because players controller would be needing HomeService.
Assuming players controller is defined in players.controller.js
.controller("PlayerController", function (HomeService) {
Even though players need home, it is not mandatory to include home before players. Script load order could be:
<script src="players.module.js"></script>
<script src="players.controller.js"></script>
<script src="home.module.js"></script>
<script src="home.controller.js"></script>
<script src="home.service.js"></script>
And PlayerController would still be able to use HomeService defined in home.service.js.
This is possible because we specified home
as required by players
How is HomeService available in PlayerController even though it has been included after PlayerController script?
All scripts run sequentially. So module player was created and then PlayerController was registerd on it, in its invokeQueue. Function for PlayerController wasn’t executed till that point. Then module home was created and then HomeService was registerd on it invokeQueue. Even function for HomeService wasn’t executed till this point.
On document.ready, angular goes through all modules one by one and processes their invokeQueue. While processing the invokeQueue, angular makes the services injectable.
When angular tries to process module player, it finds that player is dependent on home. So it put player processing on hold and processes home. So invokeQueue of module home
was processed and so HomeService became injectable. It is then available to be used by PlayerController.
General rules
So the following general rules hold while including js scripts
- angular.js must be included before any module.js or component.js etc.
- module.js must be included before service.js, controller.js, component.js, directive.js etc.
- Different modules can be included in any order even if one module is dependent on another. So required module can be included after the requiring module. But you must ensure that
argument is properly set.
Thank you for reading the Agiliq blog. This article was written by Akshar on Apr 21, 2017 in angularjs .
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