::: {.note} ::: {.admonition-title} Note :::
is intentionally not documented by the
django core devs because it is an internal API and is liable to change
without any notice. This file is not governed by django's lenient
backwards-compatible policy. You have been sufficiently warned!
With the note out of the way, let's look at the interesting datastructures in this file. You may ask why we should learn about those when we shouldn't be using them? Reading code is the best way of learning and this file has some beautiful code.
is the first of the datastructures in the file. It provides
a dictionary like interface but can look up from multiple dictionaries
provided during the initialization.
Here's an example:
>>> md = MergeDict({"foo": "bar", "moo": "cow"}, {"abc": "def"})
>>> md["foo"]
>>> md["abc"]
>>> md.get("abc")
>>> md["xyz"]
>>> md.items()
[('foo', 'bar'), ('moo', 'cow'), ('abc', 'def')]
>>> md.keys()
['foo', 'moo', 'abc']
>>> md.values()
['bar', 'cow', 'def']
The MergeDict is used within django in attaching values with a form
widget and in request.REQUEST
The built-in dictionary does not maintain the order of the items but the
is a subclass of the built-in dictionary that maintains the
keys in exactly the same order they were inserted.
Here's an example:
>>> dd = {"foo": "bar", "moo": "cow", "abc": "def"}
{"abc": "def", "foo": "bar", "moo": "cow"}
>>> sd = SortedDict((("foo", "bar"), ("moo", "cow"), ("abc", "def")))
{"foo": "bar", "moo": "cow", "abc": "def"}
>>> dd["xyz"] = "pqr"
>>> dd
{'abc': 'def', 'foo': 'bar', 'moo': 'cow', 'xyz': 'pqr'}
>>> dd["lmn"] = "ghi"
>>> dd
{'abc': 'def', 'foo': 'bar', 'lmn': 'ghi', 'moo': 'cow', 'xyz': 'pqr'}
>>> sd["xyz"] = "pqr"
>>> sd
{'foo': 'bar', 'moo': 'cow', 'abc': 'def', 'xyz': 'pqr'}
>>> sd["lmn"] = "ghi"
{'foo': 'bar', 'moo': 'cow', 'abc': 'def', 'xyz': 'pqr', 'lmn': 'ghi'}
The SortedDict
is fairly widely used inside of django generally to
build a hierarchy (like models and it's parents), maintaining the order
of the form fields while iterating etc.
In python 2.7, a new datastructure was introduced that mimics the SortedDict in the collections module and is called OrderedDict.
is a dictionary subclass that can handle multiple
values assigned to a key.
Here's an example:
>>> dd = {"abc": "def", "foo": ["bar1", "bar2"]}
>>> dd["foo"]
['bar1', 'bar2']
>>> mvd = MultiValueDict({"abc": "def", "foo": ["bar1", "bar2"]})
>>> mvd["foo"]
>>> mvd.getlist("foo")
['bar1', 'bar2']
>>> mvd.getlist('blah')
>>> mvd.getlist('abc')
>>> mvd.setlist('xyz', ['pqr', 'ghi'])
>>> mvd
<MultiValueDict: {'xyz': ['pqr', 'ghi'], 'abc': 'def', 'foo': ['foo1', 'foo2']}>
>>> mvd.appendlist('xyz', 'ijk')
>>> mvd
<MultiValueDict: {'xyz': ['pqr', 'ghi', 'ijk'], 'abc': 'def', 'foo': ['foo1', 'foo2']}>
>>> mvd.update({'xyz': 'lmn'})
>>> mvd
<MultiValueDict: {'xyz': ['pqr', 'ghi', 'ijk', 'lmn'], 'abc': 'def', 'foo': ['foo1', 'foo2']}>
The MultiValueDict
is used in binding data to request.POST
, the
files to request.FILES
and in the get parameter parsing.
The ImmutableList
is an immutable datastructure that raises errors
when it is attempted to be mutated.
Here's an example:
>>> il = ImmutableList(['foo', 'bar', 'abc'])
>>> il += 'lmn'
AttributeError: ImmutableList object is immutable.
>>> il = ImmutableList(['foo', 'bar', 'abc'], warning='Custom warning')
>>> il[1] = 123
AttributeError: Custom warning
The ImmutableList
is used in request.upload_handlers
to prevent
modification after the request.POST
or request.FILES
have been
The DictWrapper
is a subclass of the built-in dictionary that prefixes
the keys. It takes a dictionary, a function and a prefix as arguments.
If a specific key lookup begins with the prefix then the value is passed
through the function before it is returned.
Here's an example:
>>> dw = DictWrapper({'foo': 'bar', 'moo': 'cow'}, lambda x: x, 'abc_')
>>> dw['foo']
>>> dw['abc_foo']
>>> dw['xyz_foo']
KeyError: 'xyz_foo'
>>> def post_process_value(value):
... return "The value is " + value
>>> dw = DictWrapper({'foo': 'bar', 'moo': 'cow'}, post_process_value, 'abc_')
>>> dw['foo']
>>> dw['abc_foo']
'The value is bar'
The DictWrapper
is used in quoting names for SQL queries with the key
Hope you enjoyed learning about these hidden gems and how django works under the hood but take the note on the top into consideration.
Thank you for reading the Agiliq blog. This article was written by thejaswi on Nov 1, 2012 in internals .
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