I recently built the same app with the common mobile technologies, Obj-C, Android:Java, Phonegap, and Titanium .
This is a quick comparison of the app frameworks.
Miscellaneous notes
- Phonegap and Titanium both amazed me. It feels very empowering to code in Html, css and JS, test it in Chrome, debug it with firebug, and deploy to a device without any changes. Titanium UI widgets are native, building it with JS was very cool.
- Phonegap and Titanium both underwhelmed me. I assumed Phonegap would have widgets which would be 95% of the way to looking like native widgets. It was easy to see the Phonegap UI did not look native. Titanium looks like too much of a black box to me. If you hit a roadblock there did not seem to be good debugging capabilities. The docs also leave a lot to be desired.
- The tooling for iOs is miles ahead of Android. Editing XML directly is a pain compared to aligning things in Interface Builder.
- Titanium adds a totally new API over the Andrid/Cocoa API. If I am learning a new API, I would prefer to learn the Official APIs.
Thank you for reading the Agiliq blog. This article was written by shabda on Feb 8, 2011 in java .
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