- Django Dose community catchup episode #32 is out. Listen to it here.
- Luke Plant has released a django app called django-anonymizer. It anonymizes sensitive data like customer information while maintaining the database structure intact.
- Armin Ronacher who contends that web development is dangerous (and rightly so!) blogs about the common mistakes made by a web developer.
- John Anderson has a very interesting post on "Tips and Tricks for the Python Interpreter". Must read!
- Charles Leifer has written a generic app to provide for auto-completion of django models. Currently, it supports the solr, redis and sql database backends.
- Kyle Neath has a beautiful post of URL design and he discusses why URL design is so important and shouldn't be imposed upon by the framework. Shabda also wrote a similar post a while ago.
- Seth Godin and Amazon have released "The Domino Project". The project aims to be a "new" publishing platform that will provide the best for readers and publishers alike. While at the topic of books, Shabda has written quite a few book reviews this week. Check them out.
- Linux.com has an article of "2010 Vim Guide Roundup". If you are looking to switch to Vim or are a user, then this article is for you.
- While we are big proponents of free software, we are sad to see some good software die this year especially Unladen swallow :(
- django-pubsub is the latest app released by agiliq. Written by Javed, it lets you publish and subscribe to real-time updates for your models.
With this we wrap up the last link roundup of 2010. Wish you a happy new year and see you next year!
Thank you for reading the Agiliq blog. This article was written by thejaswi on Dec 31, 2010 in linkroundup .
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