- Django 1.3 alpha 1 is out. Get involved (through sprints being organized this month and the next) for the upcoming release.
- Phono is a jQuery plugin that turns any web browser into a phone; capable of making phone calls and and sending instant messages.
- Jacob Kaplan-Moss has been experimenting with Buildbot and has come up with a series of posts explaining his requirements and documenting it.
- BFG, a python web framework has merged with the Pylons project and will be known as Pyramid henceforth. A very interesting development!
- RevSys conducted an office-hours on November 5th with Jacob and Frank taking questions on IRC from 50 odd participants. django-socialauth figured in the discussion and there were complaints about the lack of documentation. We are listening and plan to improve it!
Thank you for reading the Agiliq blog. This article was written by thejaswi on Nov 12, 2010 in linkroundup .
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