If you used Django for any length of time, you would have come across the
decorator. You write @login_required
before a view, and it
magically becomes accessible only to authenticated users.
Decorators were introduced in python 2.4. PEP 318
is the PEP describing it. At
the simplest decorators are nothing but callables returning other callables, and
the decorator syntax @decorator
is nothing but foo = bar(foo)
, where both
and foo
are callables.
Let us see some decorators in action.
In [1]: def good_function():
...: print 'I am a good function'
In [2]: def decorator(orig_func):
...: def bad_func():
...: print 'I am a bad function'
...: return bad_func
In [3]: good_function = decorator(good_function)
In [4]: good_function()
I am a bad function
In [5]: @decorator
....: def good_function2():
....: print 'I am a good function'
In [6]: good_function2()
I am a bad function
So you can see that the decorated function depended only on the value of the function returned by the decorator.
Here we discarded the function we were passed. Any useful decorator, decorates the original function, so it would use the original function. Let us see an actual decorator which may be useful.
def is_val_positive_deco(orig_func):
def temp_func(val):
if val < 0:
return 0
return orig_func(val)
return temp_func
def sqrt(val):
import math
return math.pow(val, (1.0/2))
print sqrt(-1)
print sqrt(4)
Here we defined an decorator is_val_positive_deco
which will make functions
return 0, if the argument passed is negative. We can use this decorator to guard
against MathErrors.
Class based decorators
Decorators are just callables, and hence can be a class which has __call__
method. Sometimes they are easier to understand and reason about(than decorators
written as functions).
Lets see one,
class LogArgumentsDecorator(object):
def __init__(self, orig_func):
self.orig_func = orig_func
print 'started logging: %s' % orig_func.__name__
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
print 'args: %s' % args
print 'kwargs:%s'% kwargs
return self.orig_func(*args, **kwargs)
def sum_of_squares(a, b):
return a*a + b*b
print sum_of_squares(3, b=4)
This outputs,
started logging: sum_of_squares
args: 3
kwargs:{'b': 4}
Lets see what happens when we do,
def sum_of_squares(a, b):
This is equivalent to
sum_of_squares = LogArgumentsDecorator(sum_of_squares)
At this point, we created a new LogArgumentsDecorator object, so
LogArgumentsDecorator.__init__(self, sum_of_squares)
gets called. Hence
print 'started logging: %s' % orig_func.__name__
line is executed.
When we do sum_of_squares(...)
gets called with the passed values, where we
print the arguments and call the original function.
Here is one more example of a class based decorator. Here we rewrite(sort of, anyway) Django’s login_required decorator as a class based decorator.
class LoginRequiredDecorator(object):
def __init__(self, orig_func):
self.orig_func = orig_func
def __call__(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
if request.user.is_authenticated():
self.orig_func(request, *args, **kwargs)
return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('...'))
Similar to above, it takes the view function, during __init__
. When the request
comes, __call__
makes sure that user is authenticated, and takes action
Subscribe to The Uswaretech Blog where we will be writing the next part of this tutorial explaining more complex decorators, decorators which take arguments, decorator factories and more. Or follow us on twitter.
Thank you for reading the Agiliq blog. This article was written by shabda on Jun 23, 2009 in python .
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